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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Say no to Plastics

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I assume that, while you are reading this.. you are atleast an educated, who knows that Plastic
is a non biodegradable substance and its harmful to environment. [ i need not explain how ? ]

Hey you, you are here reading this lines to get some message !!!. Please spread the Message if
you really got it!!!.

Few scenarios to write this Article :

1. When we went to trip , i saw many people [educated] bring snacks in plastics, and throwing it

in a open space.
2. Many eat chocolates, and throw the cover in roads thinking its a small cover.
Let us not think more than these two small examples. We are just a comman man, making a powerful

But the plastics thats thrown by you , may be a small one, but together it accumulates tons of

plastic wastes/day.

Real Example :
One of my friend purposefully throw chocolate covers on roads,Parks and tells us..
"Sir, You can never control it. It will Take long long years to control It.
People in india will never realise it. Our politics will never take actions to clean the waste.
If i alone dont throw the plastics, INDIA wont change in a day.Grow up sir. Stop all this

nonsense of save plastics.."
we were shocked..he is our close friend.A eductated working professional, himself thinks so
He himself dont realise what he is talking, then whats the use in blaming the illiterates for the

We were not able to convince his thought and were not successfull in changing his mind to say no
to plastic.
He only said, it will take time for me to follow it..

Bull shit..
I hope you are not one like my friend..

Still.. once you complete reading my article, i want you to know:

1. If you throw one plastic cover . It will be one for you.
   But in a day, 100 crore people like you through plastics thinking its only one cover,

understant the accumulation of Plastics
2. It happens like this.
   You throw paper in a clean Park
   Other visitors see the plastics, they too throw thinking, already there is a plastic waste,

ours will not be more to that waste..and the same way the waste gets accumulated in huge withoiut
your notice and you are the reason for it!! right?
3. I dont think it will need time to learn it.. It only needs awareness and social cause in you

to do. i dont think it is really a trouble some.
  • Dont throw chocolate covers/Ciggarete covers or any plastics on open space.
           Carry it in your pocket or bag and throw it in a dustbin
  • Dont encourage usage of Plastic covers for carrying when it is really not required.
    Use Paper bags wherever it is possible

Thats all.. nothing more..nobody expects more than this..

My Last Request :

We all read great books.. talk about great personalities and get inspired.
But We condemn our politics..we curse our govt...we talk bad about traffic jam, pollution, system, economy, quality etc..

Just ..just think for a while..
Dont you think its really we who are responsible for all this..
We have all the power to change only need action from us.

Dear friend, its my request that, from today please     

  • Dont throw chocolate covers/Ciggarete covers or any plastics on open space.
           Carry it in your pocket or bag and throw it in a dustbin
  • Dont encourage usage of Plastic covers for carrying when it is really not required.
    Use Paper bags wherever it is possible

Spread the message to your friends and dearests...
you will feel the change..You will feel proud..
You will enjoy the smile..You will enjoy the work

If you are really inspired.. please say no to Plastics..

Say no to Plastics

Visit to discover Indian blogs


Vasantha said...

Good article!! Please every one take it as new year resolution and prove that nothing is impossible...

prasad said...

Really really good one......Will follow ... Say no to plastic....

Anonymous said...

It will be very easy to follow.
Just think before you throw anything in public places and ask yourself that as an educated you are doing right thing ??